manganous / ˈmæŋ gə nəs, mænˈgæn əs, mæŋ- /


manganous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. containing bivalent manganese.


  1. Compounds of manganese, on boiling with strong hydrochloric acid, yield manganous chloride (MnCl2).
  2. We also made a number of determinations, using a solution of manganous sulphate in the place of the oxalic acid.
  3. Finally, the excess of manganous sulphate is determined, in the manner described by Volhard, by means of solution No. 3.
  4. In barytobiotite and manganophyllite the magnesia is partly replaced by baryta and manganous oxide respectively.
  5. The hydrated form, found native as the mineral manganite, is produced by the spontaneous oxidation of manganous hydroxide.