manganic / mænˈgæn ɪk, mæŋ- /


manganic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. of or containing manganese, especially in the trivalent state.


  1. Sienna, like umber, is essentially a silicate of iron and alumina, containing manganic oxide.
  2. Manganese forms two unstable acids, namely, manganic acid and permanganic acid.
  3. Gluconic acid distilled with hydrochloric acid gave traces of furfural; so also with sulphuric acid and manganic oxide.
  4. It is produced by igniting manganous carbonate, or manganic oxide, or manganic peroxide.
  5. Prepared on the large scale by heating a mixture of manganic peroxide and sodium hydrate to redness in a current of air.