mandragora / mænˈdræg ər ə, ˌmæn drəˈgɔr ə, -ˈgoʊr ə /


mandragora 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. Kashkin was one of the friends who dissuaded Tchaikovsky from composing Mandragora.
  2. But I shall have fled, how I know not; haply mandragora will lure my weary mind to rest.
  3. The originality of Machiavelli in his Mandragora was not of the sort to encourage a departure from the beaten track.
  4. Atropa Mandragor, female mandragora, main de gloire, herbe aux magiciens.
  5. Probably the use of mandragora as a narcotic may have continued much later than the thirteenth century.