Screening mammogram visits fell after March 2020 compared with previous years.
Wilkes, a 42-year-old mammogram technician, had died alone of covid-19 in her home, her four-year-old child near her body.
I’ve had patients come to me first before getting their mammograms.
This is tough for me to share, but if just ONE woman decides to get her mammogram after watching this, what I’m going through will be worth it.
From this NLP work I then moved into predicting patient risk from mammograms, using image recognition to predict if you would get cancer or not—how your disease is likely to progress.
Thankfully, her cancer was caught rather early because of an assignment she had in early October in which she had mammogram done.
“We get sidetracked by efforts to focus on getting every woman a mammogram,” she recently told The Daily Beast.
A woman whose life was saved by a mammogram would argue that such screenings should be the top priority, she says.
Jack Black giving himself a mammogram (yes, mammogram) on camera.
As the mammogram issue reveals, representation is no longer a game of percentages.