malversation / ˌmæl vərˈseɪ ʃən /


malversation 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Chiefly Law.

  1. improper or corrupt behavior in office, especially in public office.

malversation 近义词


等同于 misconduct


  1. Tories and malecontent Whigs, elated by the hope that Montague might be convicted of malversation, eagerly called for inquiry.
  2. We think it a marvellous act of malversation in a trustee, to benefit himself unjustly out of the funds entrusted to his care.
  3. Another example of British malversation in China, and a further instance of persecution of the Ti-pings!
  4. To the crime of being Potts the wretched Colonel had now added malversation of a trust fund.
  5. By the latter device, are we not assured against malversation of the funds?