mallard / ˈmæl ərd /


mallard 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural mal·lards, mal·lard.

  1. a common, almost cosmopolitan, wild duck, Anas platyrhynchos, from which the domestic ducks are descended.


  1. It launches with an amusing ruse: Bond makes his entrance swimming underwater, disguised by a mallard he wears as a hat.
  2. His reverie was interrupted by the arrival of a fine mallard, which was bagged without delay.
  3. The Fern Fly—dubbed with the fur from a hare's neck, which is of a fern colour, wings dark grey feather of mallard.
  4. The Camel Brown—dubbed with old brownish hair, with red silk, wings dark grey feather from mallard.
  5. The Dark Brown—dubbed with the brown hair of a cow, and the grey feather of a Mallard for wings.
  6. The Great Whirling Dun—dubbed with squirrels fur, for wings, grey feather of mallard.