malic / ˈmæl ɪk, ˈmeɪ lɪk /


malic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pertaining to or derived from apples.
  2. Chemistry. of or derived from malic acid.


  1. If malic acid is present, a voluminous flocculent precipitate will form.
  2. Malic acid has, however, been discovered to be present in the prothallus as a whole.
  3. Then in rapid succession came his announcements of the new vegetable products citric, malic, oxalic, and gallic acids.
  4. By long-continued heating with caustic soda at 100 C. it is converted into inactive malic acid.
  5. The acid of the apple is usually considered to be malic acid, but really there are several acids mixed together.