mako / ˈmeɪ koʊ, ˈmɑ- /


mako 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ma·kos.

  1. a powerful mackerel shark, Isurus oxyrinchus, of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.


  1. Scientists estimate these sharks, the ancestors of the modern day mako shark, could grow larger than 50 feet long.
  2. “I belong to at least 20 groups,” said Amit Slonim, an editor and writer at Mako.
  3. I could see the mako turn in the water, as he must do to take anything into his mouth.
  4. The latter variety was originally known by a different name, Mako Jumel.
  5. We vanish like the small fish before the hunger of the mako.
  6. Anna saw the mako at the same moment, and made a great splashing.