magnetite / ˈmæg nɪˌtaɪt /


magnetite 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a very common black iron oxide mineral, Fe3O4, that is strongly attracted by magnets: an important iron ore.


  1. In the more basic phases anhedrons of augite and of olivine appear, and magnetite grains are usually present.
  2. Magnetite or magnetic iron ore, specular iron, and limonite are also oxides of iron.
  3. Serpentine often contains it, when it is apt to resemble a fine-grained magnetite.
  4. It chiefly occurs as oxide, as in magnetite, hæmatite, and in the brown iron ores and ochres.
  5. Deposits of iron ore accumulated in the several ways referred to above may be metamorphosed and changed to hematite and magnetite.