madtom / ˈmædˈtɒm /


madtom 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several tadpolelike, freshwater catfishes of the genus Noturus, of the central and eastern U.S., having a poisonous pectoral spine: some are threatened or endangered.


  1. The slender madtom may become more widespread if other reservoirs are built that stabilize stream flow in the basin.
  2. The freckled madtom was taken only at the middle Neosho station on 19 April, 1958.
  3. The slender madtom was taken only at the middle Marais des Cygnes station in the fall of 1957.
  4. By 1959, the third summer of continuous flow, the Neosho madtom was again common.