

maa 的定义

abbr. 缩写 abbreviation

maa 近义词


等同于 bleat


  1. In Maa, the Maasai language, “Siringit” means “endless plains,” and I could see why.
  2. The individual who dreams is on the way to become dissolved in the universal phantasmagoria of Maa.
  3. It was represented by a stone called Maa o Nave, or the stone of Nave.
  4. So now he crouched in the dusk of the hedge, and said "Maa-aaa!"
  5. This vast region is divided into two parts, one called Taa and the other called Maa.
  6. Spider-crabs (Maa), for example, have their carapaces covered with alg and hydroids of all sorts.