m-line / ˈɛmˌlaɪn /


m-line 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. one of a series of lines in the x-ray spectrum of an atom corresponding to radiation caused by the transition of an electron to the M-shell.


  1. Domestically, the prime minister maintains the dubious line that he is the only man who can keep the still-fragile peace.
  2. Last week I turned 40, a bittersweet occasion because I crossed the line to living longer without my mother than with her.
  3. Completed in 1953 and composed with standard line breaks and punctuation, the book was completely ignored upon submission.
  4. Is it any wonder that the interests of large corporations and unions get to the front of the line?
  5. In the end, the line between magic and religion may be something of an artificial one.
  6. In this position, the line of cavalry formed the chord of the arc described by the river, and occupied by us.
  7. Our talk ranged from the Panhandle to the Canada line, while our horses jogged steadily southward.
  8. I have drawn a Line between the figures at the extream changes, that next below the Line is the extream.
  9. M was a Miser, and hoarded up gold; N was a Nobleman, gallant and bold.
  10. My station was on the right of the line, where the breastwork, ending in a redoubt, was steep and high.