lytta / ˈlɪt ə /


lytta 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural lyt·tas, lyt·tae [lit-ee]. /ˈlɪt i/.

  1. a long, worm-shaped cartilage in the tongue of the dog and other carnivorous animals.


  1. We come now to the tribe of blistering beetles, of which the best known is the Cantharides (Cantharis or Lytta).
  2. Unwormed, un-wurmd′, adj. not wormed, not having had the worm or lytta under the tongue cut out—of a dog.
  3. Species of Lytta abound, but no use is made of them, the Shoans having no real medicine prepared from the animal kingdom.
  4. When the lytta, alias blister beetle, arrives, prepare to give a warm welcome to him and all of his kind.