lymphangitis / ˌlɪm fænˈdʒaɪ tɪs /


lymphangitis 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural lym·phan·git·i·des [lim-fan-jit-i-deez]. /ˌlɪm fænˈdʒɪt ɪˌdiz/. Pathology.

  1. inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.


  1. A sequel of chronic lymphangitis is a condition known as elephantiasis.
  2. Consequently, lymphangitis may be considered as infectious and non-infectious.
  3. In this particular instance it is demonstrated by the laminitis and lymphangitis of the previously sound limb.
  4. Sporadic cases of this kind are to be seen occasionally, and are apparently caused by repeated attacks of lymphangitis.
  5. Throbbing vessels are not always easily recognized if the subject is a victim of chronic lymphangitis.