lycosid / laɪˈkoʊ sɪd /


lycosid2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a spider of the family Lycosidae, comprising the wolf spiders.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. belonging or pertaining to the family Lycosidae.


  1. Many Lycosid are found in dry and rocky situations and quite a number in open fields.
  2. A Lycosid disappeared in the same way after being followed—at a run—for a hundred feet.
  3. The famous tarantulas of southern Europe, whose bites were supposed to cause the dancing mania, were Lycosid, or wolf-spiders.
  4. Of the Old World Lycosid there is no doubt that several species were implicated as the supposed cause of the tarantism.
  5. We once saw a fuscipennis that was dragging a Lycosid attacked by a bigger wasp of the same species.