luxuriantly / lʌgˈʒʊər i ənt, lʌkˈʃʊər- /


luxuriantly 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. abundant or lush in growth, as vegetation.
  2. producing abundantly, as soil; fertile; fruitful; productive: to settle in luxuriant country.
  3. richly abundant, profuse, or superabundant.
  4. florid, as imagery or ornamentation; lacking in restraint.

luxuriantly 近义词


等同于 well


等同于 abundantly


  1. If water be present on the surface of Venus and if oxygen be a constituent of its atmosphere, we might expect to find in that planet a luxuriant tropical life.
  2. Anderson is covering her breasts, water spritzing at her face, Williams is shot in luxuriant side-profile.
  3. In between, luxuriant stretches of time pass in which there is no action at all.
  4. Rather, he seeks recognition for his luxuriant beard and colorful costumes, and perhaps for his romantic success.
  5. The mountain ranges continue drawing nearer and nearer to each other, and the woods become thicker and more luxuriant.
  6. But here vegetation is so luxuriant, that even the pruned and grafted tree springs up like the native of the forest.
  7. The clove-tree is somewhat smaller, and cannot boast of such luxuriant foliage, or such fine large leaves as the nutmeg-tree.
  8. At any rate, this pit is a very lovely one, abounding in the most luxuriant vegetation.
  9. This rustic porch, overhung with luxuriant vines, evidently served as the family sitting-room.