lumbago / lʌmˈbeɪ goʊ /


lumbago 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. pain in the lower, or lumbar, region of the back or loins, especially chronic or recurring pain.


  1. Capt. Cinnamond is still in bed with lumbago, whilst Major Weir is staying behind too.
  2. Patients came to our offices, not complaining of headache or lumbago or cough, but asking for "something for that uric acid."
  3. Praskovia Ivanovna had an attack of lumbago; she did not get down from the shelf bed, except with much difficulty to go to mass.
  4. To wriggle under a cavity in this stone and come out on the other side, is an infallible remedy for lumbago.
  5. Grammer had lumbago sometimes so you wouldn't hardly believe any one could suffer that way and live.