lugworm / ˈlʌgˌwɜrm /


lugworm 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any burrowing annelid of the genus Arenicola, of ocean shores, having tufted gills: used as bait for fishing.


  1. The similar lugworm lives in sandy mud on the sea-shore; and when the tide is out you may often see its casts in thousands.
  2. The red lugworm, or "red thread," as it is often called, is another plain example of this structure.
  3. Commonly known as "lugworm," and used by fishermen for bait.
  4. Lugworm, lug′wurm, n. a sluggish worm found in the sand on the sea-shore, much used for bait by fishermen.