louring / laʊər, ˈlaʊ ər /


louring 的定义

  1. a variant of lower.

louring 近义词


等同于 menacing


等同于 scowl

louring 的近义词 9
louring 的反义词 2


  1. How peaceful lies this palace, yet I see The war clouds lour upon its roofs.
  2. She particularly wanted to go out with her brother for half an lour, and she did not wish to leave the house empty.
  3. As for the lour in my pocket, I am a forsworn man if I deliver it not to-morrow.
  4. For the leaden lour of the heavens pointed to the coming of a storm.
  5. Ils n'osoront assentir tant qu'ils eussent conseillez et avysez les Communes de lour pais.