lorimer / ˈlɔr ə mər /


lorimer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a craftsperson who makes hardware for harnesses and riding habits, as bits or spurs.


  1. Jack Lorimer is a fine example of the all-around American high-school boys.
  2. These persecuting ideas “were only a mistaken theory of Christian duty, and nothing worse,” says Dr. Lorimer.
  3. Ye mind o' bonny Peggy Lorimer o' the town's end, wha never did mair guid after she met a stranger in the woods o' Ballochgray.
  4. Lorimer was working hard to redeem that youthful extravagance; Dr. Richards cared nothing at all for the moneyed end of life.
  5. So Mr. Lorimer, an old chum of mine came to this place, as he is a member of the firm settling the estate.