lophodont / ˈlɒf əˌdɒnt, ˈloʊ fə- /


lophodont 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having molar teeth with crowns in the form of transverse ridges.


  1. These teeth have been termed buno-selenodont or buno-lophodont.
  2. The teeth are bunodont or lophodont, the tendency to the production of the latter type being always marked.
  3. The molar teeth are five in number on each side of each jaw and are bi- or tri-lophodont, not unlike those of the Tapir.
  4. Some of the lophodont molars are by no means unlike those of the Proboscidea.
  5. The teeth of the Perissodactyles are lophodont, more rarely bunodont.