looby / ˈlu bi /


looby 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural loo·bies.

  1. an awkward person, especially one who is lazy or stupid; lout; lubber.


  1. Lowry Looby, who has been appointed to a place and is asked how he is going on with it, replies, 'To lose it I did for a place.'
  2. Some one, to be sure, may suggest "Looby-Looby," which has but to be named when all are ready and eager.
  3. We saw boys and girls alternating, hand held in hand—and all to the undeniably secular libretto of "Looby-Loo."
  4. Lowry Looby says:—'It is equal to me whether I walk ten or twenty miles.'
  5. Looby's face grew pale, and his nether lip began to tremble.