loci / ˈloʊ saɪ, -ki, -kaɪ /


loci 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a plural of locus.

loci 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun



  1. Though he is never called to testify, Key is the genius loci of this suit.
  2. Genii protect individuals and places: springs, hills, cities, and army barracks all had a genius loci, a genius of the place.
  3. For Isabel Otis the genius loci had a more powerful and enduring magnetism than any man or woman she had ever known.
  4. But the genius loci here impresses on the trade in discarded odds and ends a peculiar character of its own.
  5. The genius loci, the Chevalier himself, was not the last to welcome this prime stay and ornament of his establishment.
  6. The genius loci would move the very stones to preach on such a theme.
  7. Madzu Pennu, or the village deity, the universal genius loci.