local-content / ˈloʊ kəlˈkɒn tɛnt /


local-content 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to the number or percentage of the components of a product, as an automobile, that are manufactured in a specific country: Local-content laws say 90 percent of the components of the car must be made in the U.S. or import restrictions will apply.


  1. The young men were at one point, according to eyewitnesses, apprehended by local police officers.
  2. Lennon casually told some DC friends about it and found there was local interest in establishing Dinner Parties.
  3. The U.S. campaign against ISIS leans on two pillars: conducting airstrikes, and beefing up local forces.
  4. Although he brings a Western spin to things, he seems equally inspired by the local sense of style.
  5. Speaking to a local radio station today Antonella Ramelli said the video gives her hope.
  6. A flightless, juvenal female was obtained by local boys at Pisté on July 21.
  7. I am therefore quite sure I shall be content to await his father's consent, should it not come these many years.
  8. The life of a laborer that is content with what he hath, shall be sweet, and in it thou shalt find a treasure.
  9. If we are to have a real education along lines of expression we must begin with the "content," or cause, of expression.
  10. On his arrival at the local railway station he was met by his lordship in person.