lobsterman / ˈlɒb stər mən /


lobsterman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural lob·ster·men.

  1. a person who traps lobsters.

lobsterman 近义词


等同于 fisherman

lobsterman 的近义词 6


  1. A modern-day King Lear story finds the three daughters of a powerful lobsterman vying for his affection.
  2. "It's a good thing you came along," said Daddy Bunker, as he thanked the lobsterman.
  3. The mournful wail of a horn in the fog now and then announced the location of some lobsterman.
  4. Once a lobsterman lost his watch, chain and all; for a day or two he was asking everybody he met if they'd seen it.
  5. Then a lobsterman has to rebait his traps, and as he does that with rotten fish, it's not a sweet job.
  6. A sunburned lobsterman in rubber boots and a sou'wester was smoking on the wharf.