lobate / ˈloʊ beɪt /


lobate 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a lobe lobes; lobed.
  2. having the form of a lobe.
  3. Ornithology. noting or pertaining to a foot in which the individual toes have membranous flaps along the sides.


  1. It is lobate in form and is divided by lines into areas in each of which a deeply-stained granule is situated.
  2. Though usually spherical the nuclei not infrequently have a somewhat lobate form.
  3. Phalaropes are small Plover-like birds, but with lobate webbed feet, similar to those of the Grebes and Coots.
  4. Some of them are lobate, and appear as if they were undergoing division.
  5. Both joints of the shell are irregularly lobate, with numerous vaulted lobes of different sizes, and partly internal septa.