liquorice / ˈlɪk ə rɪʃ, ˈlɪk rɪʃ, ˈlɪk ər ɪs /


liquorice 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Chiefly British.

  1. a variant of licorice.


  1. Icelanders, for example, have over two-dozen kinds of chocolate-covered liquorice, and the Japanese love their Cream Collon.
  2. One branch of the local export trade to which we may refer is that in liquorice, a plant that grows wild freely on the plain.
  3. Honey and a strong infusion of liquorice boiled to a proper consistence.
  4. For internal use, an equal weight of liquorice root (sliced) is commonly added.
  5. Hufeland recommends the addition of a little liquorice root.
  6. Make a strong tea of everlasting—strain, and put to a quart of it two ounces of figs or raisins, two of liquorice, cut in bits.