linaria / laɪˈnɛər i ə, lɪ- /


linaria 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of various plants belonging to the genus Linaria, of the figwort family, especially of the cultivated species, as L. maroccana or L. aeruginea, having slender clusters of spurred flowers in a variety of colors.


  1. They are mostly annuals, such as the little Toadflax (Linaria minor), which can just manage to exist under those conditions.
  2. All my readers probably know the wild yellow toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris), a plant very common in our fields and hedges.
  3. My father had raised two beds of Linaria vulgaris—one set being the offspring of cross- and the other of self-fertilisation.
  4. Centaurea spinescens, Linaria, Joussa, and one or two Astragali.
  5. The third species is Linaria purpurea, not strictly a British plant, but one established in some places on old walls.