lilac / ˈlaɪ lək, -lɑk, -læk /


lilac2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of various shrubs belonging to the genus Syringa, of the olive family, as S. vulgaris, having large clusters of fragrant purple or white flowers: the state flower of New Hampshire.
  2. pale reddish purple.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having the color lilac.

lilac 近义词


等同于 mauve

lilac 的近义词 4

等同于 purple


等同于 lavender

lilac 的近义词 1


  1. Like the “misty dream” and the falling lilac petals she sings of, IU’s timbre echoes the transient quality of memories.
  2. Sky and soft sunlight tint the snow blue, pink, lilac, peach.
  3. As the sky turned lilac, we sat at a low circular table and looked out over the palm groves of Skoura.
  4. We reached our last camp as lighting pulsed through lilac-dark clouds over the Kenyan hills.
  5. Trim trousers in nubby shades of lilac were paired with jackets in iridescent hues of melon.
  6. One of these collaborations includes a lilac hourglass-shaped Tadashi gown in which Spencer collected her very first Golden Globe.
  7. He muttered something about his gray hairs, but came along after an amused glance at Lilac and Konnel.
  8. Even Konnel had a small pile before him, although he seemed to be losing some of Lilac's attention to Meadows.
  9. "And less of the 'lady' business outa you," said Lilac, but low enough to keep it private.
  10. She had lived twenty-five years up-stairs and down-stairs in that white house with the lilac shrubbery and low iron fence.
  11. Right near the bay window, in the thick lilac tree, Marmaduke spied Red Robin's nest.