a person, company, etc., to whom a license is granted or issued.
This ensures these licensees can get the financial support they need to launch while ensuring that the fund’s ultimate mission of supporting diverse entrepreneurs is achieved.
After listening to our restaurant’s concerns, Brooke co-sponsored a bill with Council member McDuffie to provide clarity to licensees on expanded outdoor seating for our restaurants, allowing them to plan for the future.
As part of the deal, Eclipse pledged to hire most of the staff of Elmcroft Senior Living, the properties’ prior licensee.
The acquisition by Nvidia, also a licensee, is a challenge to that neutrality.
However, the Bureau does not have the authority to change the federal law or Border Patrol checkpoint operations to allow licensees to transport cannabis goods through these checkpoints.
If the licensee has expended money and made improvements on the faith of the license, can it be revoked?
Every licensee shall post his license in a conspicuous place.
A licensee takes an interest less than or different from either of the others.
They are an assignee, a grantee of an exclusive sectional right, and a licensee.
It is true, notwithstanding all these restrictions, that a license of the king enabled the licensee to wear anything.