levator / lɪˈveɪ tər, -tɔr /


levator 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural lev·a·to·res [lev-uh-tawr-eez, -tohr-]. /ˌlɛv əˈtɔr iz, -ˈtoʊr-/.

  1. Anatomy. a muscle that raises a part of the body.Compare depressor.
  2. Surgery. an instrument used to raise a depressed part of the skull.


  1. In sewing up, it is important to reunite the cut edges of the levator ani, or pelvic weakness will result.
  2. Grafting of part of the superior rectus muscle into the lid to take the place of the levator palpebr superioris.
  3. The needle is then again carried through the levator palpebr, palpebral ligament, and orbicularis in the upper part of the wound.
  4. In the upper lid care should be taken not to divide the levator palpebr muscle; the incision should be placed well to one side.
  5. The levator palpebrae superioris is the highest, and passes forward to the superior tarsal plate and fornix of the conjunctiva.