

leprechauns 的定义

  1. In the folklore of Ireland, little men who resemble elves. Supposedly, leprechauns can reveal — but only to someone clever enough to catch them — the location of buried treasure, typically a crock of gold hidden at the end of the rainbow.


  1. Fifteen thousand–pound pachyderms trump earnest leprechauns.
  2. From the revelation that Michael was a “presexual” to his belief that leprechauns are real, Abby Haglage speed-reads Untouchable.
  3. “He loves the whole idea of leprechauns and the magic and myths of Ireland,” said an unidentified source.
  4. “Be on the lookout for leprechauns,” he said to Prince, Paris, and Blanket when they arrived in Ireland for a vacation in 2006.
  5. He idolized Ireland and believed—wholeheartedly—in leprechauns.
  6. “On the high road overlooking the Glen of the Leprechauns, on a starlit night before the moon came up,” said Padna.
  7. I had read of banshees, lemures and leprechauns; they were the ghosts and the fairies of ignorance but they were not like this.
  8. An' so you don't b'lieve there's sich things as Leprechauns, don't ye?
  9. He began to wonder whether the tale of the leprechauns was true.
  10. He would stand by the lake and call to the leprechauns to take him away.