lentisk / ˈlɛn tɪsk /


lentisk 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. Zanchine was digging up a lentisk when he heard a 'wow, wow'; he looked, and there was a baby, only a few days old.
  2. Mastic, Mastich, mas′tik, n. a species of gum-resin from the lentisk-tree: a cement from mastic: the tree producing mastic.
  3. My goats eat cytisus, and goatswort, and tread the lentisk shoots, and lie at ease among the arbutus.
  4. There we reclined on deep beds of fragrant lentisk, lowly strown, and rejoicing we lay in new stript leaves of the vine.
  5. Now Pentheus from a lofty cliff was watching p. 145all, deep hidden in an ancient lentisk hush, a plant of that land.