liquid crystal display: a method of displaying readings continuously, as on digital watches, portable computers, and calculators, using a liquid crystal film, sealed between glass plates, that changes its optical properties when a voltage is applied.
He dishes to Jean Trinh on angry comics, his love for LCD Soundsystem, and more.
His latest music obsessions include LCD Soundsystem, Peter Green (from Fleetwood Mac), and Iggy Pop.
Another 30,000 meters of fiber-optic cables criss-cross another 300 LCD screens spread over 100 rooms in the Ops Center.
From LCD Soundsystem to 'The Daily Show,' WATCH VIDEO of more cameos.
As Liveris explains, American research and development dollars created the technologies behind LCD televisions.
The little LCD set into the control panel lit up and started to play the standard video spiel, narrated in grizzled voice-over.
Kurt picked a fragile LCD out of a box of dozens of them and smashed it on the side of the table.