lazuli / ˈlæz ə li, -ˌlaɪ, ˈlæʒ ə- /


lazuli 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. It is formed of two pieces joined by a hinge, and is decorated with figures in repouss on a ground inlaid with lapis lazuli.
  2. To the centre is suspended by a small ring a scarabaeus of solid gold inlaid with lapis lazuli.
  3. A long lapis lazuli chain with a beautiful pendant and links of exquisite color, and a pair of bracelets to match.
  4. Bell and Harris hunted a good while, but procured only a Lazuli Finch and a few other birds.
  5. He was the same man who had brought me the heart of lapis-lazuli, or his double.