laundryman / ˈlɔn driˌmæn, ˈlɑn- /


laundryman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural laun·dry·men.

  1. a person who works in or operates a laundry.
  2. a person who collects and delivers laundry.


  1. Hop Loo, a Chinese laundryman, lived in the house, and Matt was just coming after his week's wash.
  2. The laundryman can never estimate the amount of work to be done until the laundry bundles are actually on the premises.
  3. It was the den of a Chinese laundryman, and through the windows in front I could see him still at work, ironing.
  4. Whenever the laundryman was late in arriving he was sure that it was lost forever.
  5. He wished he had had on a different style of collar—and he would have had if his laundryman had kept his word.