lateen / læˈtin, lə- /


lateen 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pertaining to or having a lateen sail or sails.


  1. A lateen sail was visible in the direction of Cat Island, and others to the south seemed almost motionless in the far distance.
  2. Possibly a lateen-rigged, sharper-bowed boat would even now be found to be a very fast and handy type for our rivers.
  3. So off we go heeling well to the breeze as our funny, high-slung lateen sail drives us shoreward at a great rate.
  4. It is curious to see in many directions the white lateen sails of boats which appear to be sailing over the fields.
  5. From one corner of the lateen sail, Storms now noticed that a large crimson handkerchief was fluttering in the wind.