laryngotomy / ˈlær ɪŋˈgɒt ə mi /


laryngotomy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural lar·yn·got·o·mies.Surgery.

  1. incision of the larynx.


  1. At the conclusion of the operation, when all bleeding has been controlled, the laryngotomy tube should be removed.
  2. In addition to the operation of laryngotomy, the following procedure will allow of more deliberate removal.
  3. The laryngotomy tube can be removed as soon as the patient recovers consciousness and all hmorrhage has ceased.
  4. Aretus of Cappadocia is notably the first, if we except Asclepiades only, who is said to have performed laryngotomy.
  5. This table shows that nearly half the cases were treated by laryngotomy.