laryngectomy / ˌlær ənˈdʒɛk tə mi /


laryngectomy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural lar·yn·gec·to·mies.Surgery.

  1. excision of part or all of the larynx.


  1. In many instances, therefore, thyrotomy is the first stage in the operation of total laryngectomy.
  2. Butlin has performed total laryngectomy upon seven patients, only one of whom died from the operation.
  3. Swallowing after laryngectomy is satisfactory, and the general health in many cases improves.
  4. It is also necessary to refer to the other side of the question, namely, the position of laryngectomy.
  5. These results may now be briefly compared with those obtained by laryngectomy, whether partial or complete.