lararium / ləˈrɛər i əm /


lararium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural la·rar·i·a [luh-rair-ee-uh]. /ləˈrɛər i ə/.

  1. a shrine for the Lares.


  1. In some of the Pompeian houses the lararium was represented by a niche only, containing the image of the lar.
  2. "In the lararium, O praefect," replied the soldier without hesitation.
  3. His eyes passed to the lararium unconsciously, and to the little cross which she left him before going.
  4. Undoubtedly we should recognize in this edifice the sanctuary of the Lares of the city, Lararium publicum.
  5. Within it are erected an altar to, and statue of, the guardian angel, in fact the building had its Lararium.