laqueus / ˈleɪ kwi əs, ˈlæk wi- /


laqueus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural la·que·i [ley-kwee-ahy, -kwee-ee, lak-wee-ahy, -wee-ee]. /ˈleɪ kwiˌaɪ, -kwiˌi, ˈlæk wiˌaɪ, -wiˌi/. Anatomy.


  1. The word lace came from France, where it was called lacis or lassis, derived from the Latin laqueus (a noose).
  2. Laqueus contritus est, by Fourniller, et nos liberati sumus.
  3. The Clehongre figure is especially curious as shewing the ailette fastened by its "laqueus," which appears on the outside.
  4. Lacer is derived from laqs, a rope, a noose; and this comes from laqueus.