lapillus / ləˈpɪl əs /


lapillus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural la·pil·li [luh-pil-ahy]. /ləˈpɪl aɪ/.

  1. a small stony particle ejected from a volcano.


  1. The Purpura lapillus and Littorina litorea and rudis (periwinkles), so plentiful on this coast, are present.
  2. Has Ottaiano then been destroyed only by the fall of lapillus and stones?
  3. Like its relative, P. lapillus of Northern waters, this species is so variable as almost to defy description.
  4. Our automobile is now going slower, it cracks between two deep sinks of ashes and lapillus.
  5. They have defied and conquered the lava, and lapillus, going always ahead there where duty called them.