landward / ˈlænd wərd /


landward2 个定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. Also landwards. toward the land or interior.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. lying, facing, or tending toward the land or away from the coast.
  2. being in the direction of the land: a landward breeze.


  1. In order to survive, the state’s beaches need room to be able to migrate landward, scientists say.
  2. Wetland plants respond to rising sea levels “by growing vertically and also by shifting landward,” Narayan says.
  3. A tidal wave rolls landward, and twenty thousand human beings are drowned, or crushed to death.
  4. Nearly all the mutineers swung round and galloped headlong for the landward boundary of the paddy field.
  5. But being on the landward side she could not see the faint gleam of a cigarette that marked Henri's anxious figure at the rail.
  6. They at once began to throw up batteries, while the Corsicans harassed the landward approaches to the place.
  7. The Dyaks, scurrying through the banyan groves and bamboo thickets, enclosed it on the rear and landward sides.