landsknecht / German ˈlɑntsˌknɛxt /


landsknecht 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a European mercenary foot soldier of the 16th century, armed with a pike or halberd.


  1. They represent the first germs of the "Landsknecht" profession, the shame and curse of the Germans.
  2. Guinegate was the dbut of the Landsknecht infantry as Nancy was that of the Swiss, and the lesson could not be misread.
  3. In the 15th and 16th centuries the infantry soldiers (Swiss or landsknecht) carried a heavy poniard or dagger.
  4. The Landsknecht infantry constituted the mainstay of the imperial armies in the 16th century.
  5. This name is derived from the German 'landsknecht' ('valet of the fief'), applied to a mercenary soldier.