lamplighter / ˈlæmpˌlaɪ tər /


lamplighter 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person employed to light and extinguish street lamps, especially those burning gas.
  2. a contrivance for lighting lamps.


  1. But this was the last summer of the late century, and already I was beginning to get about like a lamplighter on my two sticks.
  2. I know a town where the lamplighter twenty years ago was an honest old man of the blind and bigoted type.
  3. The pavement stretched empty and darkening in front of her, and at the far end the lamplighter had started on his luminous round.
  4. The street-sweeper had long since gone; soon would come a lamplighter extinguishing the street lamps; now all was quiet.
  5. Miss Lydia rolled her handkerchief into a wabbly lamplighter; she seemed to have nothing to say.