lammergeier / ˈlæm ərˌgaɪ ər, -ˌgaɪər /


lammergeier 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the largest Eurasian bird of prey, Gypaëtus barbatus, ranging in the mountains from southern Europe to China, having a wingspread of 9 to 10 feet and black feathers hanging from below the bill like a mustache.


  1. The lammergeier (Gypatus barbatus) had almost become extinct in 1900; but several varieties of eagle and falcon are left.
  2. The plumage of the lammergeier is grayish brown above and nearly white below.
  3. A lammergeier swooped down on wide funereal wings; it peered at us; darted away toward the cliffs.
  4. A black speck appeared high in the sky; grew fast—the lammergeier.