lambasting / læmˈbeɪst, -ˈbæst /


lambasting 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

lam·bast·ed, lam·bast·ing.

  1. to beat or whip severely.
  2. to reprimand or berate harshly; censure; excoriate.

lambasting 近义词

v. 动词 verb

punish, beat


  1. The book naturally has a chapter lambasting the IRS, whose agents Kibbe calls “gray-suited Soviets.”
  2. Huckabee should deliver a jeremiad lambasting Washington for its role in fostering the housing collapse and the Great Recession.
  3. Memo to everyone lambasting Obama for not getting along with Congress: The president is not all powerful.
  4. Although the film was reviewed by government censors, the participants obviously had no fear of lambasting the politicians.
  5. Amidst the bevy of Jewish leaders lambasting the ads, some have remained conspicuously silent.
  6. I suppose you have heard of the lambasting Mr. Brooks gave Mr. Sumner.
  7. Any way Patsy Flaherty gave over lambasting the old mare, and she stood still, the way you'd think she was glad of the rest.
  8. This wasn't a fight, Ford; this was like the pictures you see of an old woman lambasting her son-in-law with an umbrella.