lactic / ˈlæk tɪk /


lactic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or obtained from milk.


  1. The endorphin rush, that hit of homebrew morphine, the lactic acid that makes the muscles tense with a pleasing burn long after the workout has ended.
  2. It ends up having a slightly lactic, acidic flavor when it arrives.
  3. Cheese makers also often add cultures or lactic acid to their milk to keep it from spoiling during fermentation.
  4. The presence of phenol causes a deep amethyst-blue color, as in Uffelmann's test for lactic acid.
  5. Its disadvantage is that it introduces, with the bread, a variable amount of lactic acid and numerous yeast-cells.
  6. The presence of lactic acid is the most suggestive single symptom of gastric cancer.
  7. These same lactic acid bacteria may be useful when they sour the milk for the cheese maker.
  8. An uncrystallisable salt prepared by saturating ammonia, or its carbonate, with lactic acid.