laager / ˈlɑ gər /


laager2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a camp or encampment, especially within a protective circle of wagons.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to arrange or encamp in a laager.


  1. What was my surprise to see lying below me the smoke and waggons and picketed horses of the enemy's laager!
  2. He had no Horse Artillery; and the rapid and secret march to the rear of the laager might have been impossible with field-guns.
  3. There were twelve thousand men in the camp and eight hundred in the laager.
  4. I sent some burghers in advance to see what was happening to the Pretoria Laager.
  5. I saw the unhappy four the following day on their way back to a laager under guard.