kw 的定义
- The project, which calls for 12,270 kW, is significantly more substantial than the others currently listed.
- Nw-kw, Wood; formerly the head Chief, with his war-club on his arm.
- Go-to-kw-ph-ah, He who Stands by Himself; a brave of distinction, with his hatchet in his hand.
- We will wait until we come to Amaṭ-ahwaṭ-kutšinakwe and Amaṭ-ahwat-kw-iδau; then we will kill them.
- Then when they came to Amaṭ-ahwaṭ-kutšinakwe and Amaṭ-axwaṭ-kw-iδau, the male Deer had fallen down dead.
- Codex, only, has the (seeming) note, An Arab calls it k (or kw).